Why Sponsor a Child for Summer Camp?
Right now is an exciting and fun time to be involved in Bearden Productions Center for the Arts Summer Camp! Every year, we attract more children and youth by sharing our reputation for creating fun summer memories, engaging in creative activities, and fostering meaningful friendships.
In order to make our camps accessible to as many children and youth as possible, we seek ways to keep our camp tuition fees attainable for all families.
Benefits for the Campers:
A safe place to learn, play, and grow
Supportive relationships with caring camp counselors
Enriching programs, experiences, and activities
Benefits for the Center:
Provision of camp scholarships to deserving candidates
Curriculum enhancement
Supplementation of funds towards operational center necessities
Benefits for the Sponsor:
Develop a positive image of your business and/or industry
Have your name associated with BP Summer Camps a very popular camp in the community as it continues to grow
Build name brand recognition with our youth demographic, including families and parents, through company-branded camp materials and literature.